Note :
This application does not work on devices of some manufacturers such as Xiaomi and Samsung. Contact the manufacturer to correct this problem
* Dark Mode is not associated with any company or brand.
* This app helps enable Android night mode on devices that do not provide this option in system settings.
* This app will not work on all devices, as some smartphone manufacturers disable or block this option for their device!
This app helps to activate the Android night mode and dark mode on devices that do not provide this option in the system settings.
Night mode to protect your eyes and improve sleep 😴
This application protects your eyes from the phone screen. When you use mobile at night. The screen hurts your eyes. So this application helps to protect it from the screen. This app make your phone screen as Night Mode. So your eyes are not damaged from the screen.
Dark Mode gives you a nice user interface and if you have an AMOLED display, you can save battery too!
注意 :
* 黑暗模式与任何公司或品牌都不相关。
*此应用程序有助于在系统设置中未提供此选项的设备上启用 Android夜间模式。
此应用程序有助于在系统设置中未提供此选项的设备上激活 Android夜间模式和黑暗模式。